I want to receive data sent to a given route using...
# ktor
I want to receive data sent to a given route using a flow,
Copy code
fun Routing.getFlow() = callbackFlow<String> {
    val route = this@getFlow
    route.get("/example") {
        try {
            send("Received GET request at /example")
        } catch (e: Exception) {
Is this the correct way (creating route inside a callback flow) to do it or does this have any drawbacks?
The routes must be created on the server startup but your code might violate this rule. Can you describe what problem are you trying to solve?
@Aleksei Tirman [JB] I am trying to read the data received in the route for other operations. For eg. I receive type A in my route, The route processes and responds according, besides this, I want to process the data A seperately, like say I want to convert it to type B and save it to database.
Another usage I want is that, I have a route and a websocket, so whatever data I receive in the routes, I want to send it to the clients connected to the websocket.
You could try using a
Copy code
embeddedServer(Netty, port = 8080) {
        data class ReceivedRequest(
            val httpMethod: HttpMethod,
            val path: String,
        val receivedRequests = MutableSharedFlow<ReceivedRequest>()
        launch {
            receivedRequests.collect { receivedRequest ->
                println("Received request: $receivedRequest")
                // save to database or whatever here
        routing {
            webSocket("/ws") {
                receivedRequests.collect { receivedRequest ->
                    send("received request $receivedRequest")
            get("/example") {
                receivedRequests.emit(ReceivedRequest(call.request.httpMethod, call.request.path()))
                call.respondText("Hello World!")
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