Long shot, but we’re stuck with an issue for a whi...
# multiplatform
Long shot, but we’re stuck with an issue for a while that I can’t figure out. We enable both Android and Desktop as target and the builds work fine locally, but in CI we see:
Copy code
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':scope:public:transformCommonMainDependenciesMetadata'.
> java.util.zip.ZipException: invalid entry compressed size (expected 225 but got 221 bytes)
I don’t which dependency is causing this nor why it only happens in CI. The interesting piece is if I disable Android or Desktop, then a single variant builds just fine. This issue only happens when both targets are enabled. Any idea what’s happening here?
I had the same problem when I tried to import a multiplatform project. By elimination, I was able to determine that gradle was trying to use the Java version indicated by JAVA_HOME. I fixed the problem by editing the following file: .idea/gradle.xml replace
<option name="gradleJvm" value="#JAVA_HOME" />
<option name="gradleJvm" value="#GRADLE_LOCAL_JAVA_HOME" />
I see the issue only in CI where we have only a single JDK.
Which JDK version are you using? I'm still trying to figure out what's going on and whether the problem is localized only on my machine.
I tried JDK 17 and 21. We use the Corretto in our CI systems.
my JAVA_HOME also pointed to Coretto 17, so that's something in common.
Apparently I only have this problem on Fedora if I'm using a Java distribution other than OpenJDK or JBR.
Thanks for filing. I responded.