Anyone here using `Gitlive Firebase Auth/Firestore...
# multiplatform
Anyone here using
Gitlive Firebase Auth/Firestore
in a Production app? Would be interested in experience, how smooth it works.
Have it working pretty well in an app I was working on prior to a monsoon of client work.
Thanks @brandonmcansh ! I will check it out tomorrow in detail, took a quick looks and it looks great! Is that SwiftUI or Compose iOS there? Bc UI looks good on ios
And can i ask which navigation library you use to handle the session/auth state? Or is it self implemented? @brandonmcansh
100% compose. Using Voyager for navigation and Kotlin-inject for DI
Everything is self implemented tho
Thanks for the insights! I checked your twitter page and you‘re doing great stuff there with CMP! The Airbnb clone … you should offer it as a CMP-starter-template for sale. I would buy it!
That’s my plan actually :)