C++ father tell me that JAVA is built on top of C+...
# compiler
C++ father tell me that JAVA is built on top of C++, so what language is Kotlin built on? everyone.


when generate android apk, kotlin compile path is: Kotlin -> Java byte code -> apk?
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can Kotlin do "pass by reference" like C++?
Everything is passed by reference by default
Exceptions are primitive types and value classes
can you update this [Gemini answer](https://gemini.google.com/app/f1ce571ade99913c)?
AI is not reliable source of information
It's misleading to say "Everything is passed by reference by default". Kotlin is like Java when it comes to parameter passing. So, for example,
Copy code
fun foo(list: MutableList<String>) {
    list = arrayListOf<String>("bar")
If Kotlin was "pass by reference" in the same way as C++ and C#, then the above function
would change the passed parameter
to a list containing an element "bar". But Kotlin is not pass-by-reference in this way. You can't change the value of a passed variable. I think what Dmitriy meant was that variables (except primitives) hold a reference to an object. So even though you pass the value of a variable to a function, that value is the reference of the object.
References to parameters are immutable (non-reassignable) The code from your snippet won't compile
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@Klitos Kyriacou show me your code playground, please
@Klitos Kyriacou @dmitriy.novozhilov how to realize the same effort for "pass by reference" like C++ in the Kotlin?
You have to be explicit in Kotlin, using for example a wrapper object: let's say you want a function that changes a passed value, then you have to keep that value inside an object:
Copy code
class Wrapper<T>(var value: T)

fun foo(x: Wrapper<Int>) {
    x.value = 456

int main() {
    val x = Wrapper(123)
    check(x.value == 456)
This is not idiomatic Kotlin. In Kotlin, we prefer to keep things immutable, so we would probably in the above case just write a function that takes one value and returns another value, rather than mutating.
as your code, x is like "pass by value" in the C++. x is "pass by value" in the C++ in the fact.
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this do not have performance. teacher.
what's solution?
Why doesn’t it have performance?
if no reference, it is performance problem.