What's the recommended approach to binding and int...
# kotlin-inject
What's the recommended approach to binding and internal implementation to a interface, So that module A consumes Module B can expose an interface from B without needing to expose its impl?
More concrete examples would be helpful but the handwavy answer is parent components can be an interface with the impl living somewhere else, you just need to provide methods for the types you are using
Ok I'll try to use a concrete example:
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Module A

interface ApplicationComponent
( The implementation live on different sourcets but thats not important I believe
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Module B

interface Repository

internal class RepositoryImpl(more internal deps): Repository

interface ModuleBComponent {
   fun provideRepo(impl:RepositoryImpl): Repository = iml
    (This obcs does nto compile
The usual pattern I go with is :
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AplicationComponent: ModuleBComponent
Ive tried a fiew works around with abstract classes bu eventually ModuleA generated code tries to reference the internal class so compilation is not possible
right, if you think about it, implementing ModuleBComponent requires referencing RepositoryImpl. One thing you can do is
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interface ModuleBComponent {
    val repo: Repository

abstract class MyoduleBComponentImpl : ModuleBComponent {
   fun provideRepo(impl:RepositoryImpl): Repository = impl


abstract class ApplicationComponent(@Component val moduleB: ModuleBComponent)
with the downside is you'll need different scopes for the 2 components, which may or may not be fine depending on how circular your dependencies are
Interesting, will deffo give it a try at this tomorrow, cheers!
long-term I do want to handle restricted visibility better, but it's tricky because you have to generate bridge code to call into non-public methods
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Yeah soudns about right. Thanks for all the effort btw!