:rotating_light: A brand-new long-form :kotlin_emo...
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🚨 A brand-new long-form K course just landed on Rock the JVM: Kotlin Essentials - https://rockthejvm.com/p/kotlin-essentials I made this course so that you can become productive with Kotlin as fast as possible, with already a few thousand lines of code under your belt by the time you finish. Some of you may know me for my Scala courses - if so, you know that I live by the "code is king" mantra and I get straight to the point. This course is 100% hands-on and we have - 13.5 hours of 4K video - 2500+ lines of code written from scratch - 100+ practical examples and exercises - a mini-project we build from scratch in the course If you're curious to learn for yourself or you want to onboard some juniors in your team, check out the link for more details - I also have a 25% discount for the first 128 people to use the code LAUNCH at checkout. I'm also here if you have any questions - please enjoy!
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special thanks to @Riccardo Cardin for code reviews of the materials I prepared for this course 💪