Hi everyone, is there any tutorial or guide for cr...
# compose
Hi everyone, is there any tutorial or guide for creating a custom theme which works with all plataforms? (in common Main) I want to change colors and style in the sample dowloaded from KMP wizard
this will generate a theme for you given a color palette you select. you can also use the fantastic https://github.com/jordond/MaterialKolor library and do it at runtime & make it dynamic.
can it be used in a Kotlin multiplataform project?
Most of compose (including themes) are not platform specific and just works on multiplat.
I've downloaded a custom theme from m3.material.io, do you know how I can add it to my project in Fleet??
https://developer.android.com/codelabs/jetpack-compose-theming There's a lot of documentation on the android dev docs on how to do themes in material 3, compose has deep level built runtime theme support. The kotlin files you download from the material theme builder you just need to copy into your project. The one file provides an AppTheme method that themes every composable inside of it.