are there any plans to allow a constructor for som...
# getting-started
are there any plans to allow a constructor for some class
to return
that is, a constructor that can fail in ways that don't involve throwing exceptions? as a trivial example, a
class NonZeroInt(n: Int)
that returns null if constructed with
n = 0
. (I'm aware that I can do this with a
companion object
the object itself is constructed by the JVM, then the constructor is called; it can either return void (allowing the new object to be used) or throw. so any "constructor" that wants to
return null
would have to not go through a Java-compatible constructor pattern
and IMO we already have that pattern in Kotlin, with top-level functions named after the class itself
👆 3
operator fun Companion.invoke()
, which you mentioned)
thanks! and I was actually unaware that top-level functions were idiomatic here.