My Kotlin/Wasm application doesn't run. I see this...
# webassembly
My Kotlin/Wasm application doesn't run. I see this error in the latest Chrome:
Copy code
WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming(): Compiling function #38406:"dev.kilua.rpc.$receiveCOROUTINE$5.doResume" failed: Invalid types for ref.test: local.get of type externref has to be in the same reference type hierarchy as (ref 3052) @+3371535
CompileError: WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming(): Compiling function #38406:"dev.kilua.rpc.$receiveCOROUTINE$5.doResume" failed: Invalid types for ref.test: local.get of type externref has to be in the same reference type hierarchy as (ref 3052) @+3371535
I'm using 2.0.0-Beta4
Is there anything I can do about this other than filling a YT issue?
It seems I can. Finding and commenting the only "receive" function in my code fixed the problem.
The issue was simple casting JsAny to String. There was even a warning in IDE but I've missed it.
Seems like KT-64357.