The new resource system in 1.6.0 is nice but it fe...
# compose-desktop
The new resource system in 1.6.0 is nice but it feels like a downgrade in that it doesn't seem to support nested directories. I had my graphics organized nicely into a directory tree, but to migrate to the new resources I have to dump them all together into
with no subdirectories allowed.
I assume it's because it makes it compatible with Android resources
Probably, but when I'm making a Desktop-only project without Android (or anything else multiplatform), it doesn't feel like limitations of Android should apply. So that's my feedback.
plus one 3
It does allow resources with
in the name, even though Android doesn't. 🤔
I think this can be possible and compatible with android, maybe during compile time the resources can be moved to the drawable folder. And the names can be something like this: /drawable/icon/cancel.xml -> Res.drawable.icon_cancel
@Konstantin Tskhovrebov 👀
would it then be a problem to have both /drawable/icon/cancel.xml and /drawable/icon_cancel.xml? @mohamed rejeb
👍🏻 1
Yes the build can fail in this case with a message saying that there's two resources with the same name or something like that.
nested directories are supported in the files directory but there are no static accessors. so, you need to choose. the nesting makes static accessors generation much harder.
Sure, using
works, but using that for every resource is not a real choice. The real choice is to no longer organize your resources, or keep using the old resource system which supports nested directories. I think the static accessors are worth it, but it's still a loss.
plus one 1