Need some help with an interesting dilema I have. ...
# compose-android
Need some help with an interesting dilema I have. I need to show a webview while saving its state (this is because the webview is 1 tab out of 4 for my app and so when user goes to tab 2-4, then back to 1, I want the webview to still have it's contents). I followed the sample here
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LaunchedEffect(navigator) {
        val bundle = webViewState.viewState
        if (bundle == null) {
            // This is the first time load, so load the home page.
Easy! But now I need to add an auth header. Okay not bad
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navigator.loadUrl("<>", "AUTH" to $token)
but now my issue is that when the token is updated, it doesn't cause a reload. How would you solve this?
So basically my current code is
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LaunchedEffect(navigator) {
        val bundle = webViewState.viewState
        if (bundle == null) {
            // This is the first time load, so load the home page.
            navigator.loadUrl("<>", "AUTH" to $token)
but not sure how to best update this. If I try to add a key of token to the launchedEffect it of course doesn't get called because the bundle isn't null. It's almost as if it'd be helpful if I could look into the current webview and see if there is already a header applied, but it doesn't seem possible to get request headers from a webview instance.
What about ?
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var isFirstTime by rememberSaveable(webViewState) { mutableStateOf(true) }
// Inside bundle == null check
isFirstTime = false
// Add separate LaunchedEffect block keyed with token
LaunchedEffect(token) {
    if(!isFirstTime) {
        navigator.loadUrl(url, token)
More or less something like this. I'm on mobile so code formatting might look weird :).
Let me give that a shot
I have not. Let me see if they have something novel there. either way TIL of a KMP webview. nice!