Hello guys If I use the `transitiveExport = true` ...
# multiplatform
Hello guys If I use the
transitiveExport = true
configuration in umbrella module cocoapods seting up, the KMP plugin generates the ObjC classes as they are named in Kotlin:
Copy code
but if I remove exporting transitives, the class name in ObjC is being changed and has a module prefix now:
Copy code
Is there a way to avoid adding module prefix, while also removing transitive export?
I get the simple `swift_name("Classname") on my classes without the transitive export. Is the class that is got a new Swift name, in the module that that is creating the framework? If not is the dependency for it included in the list of exports?
There is an umbrella gradle module with
cocoapods {
block and there are few gradle modules that contain classes. The dependency for other modules is included using export like this:
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cocoapods {
        name = "UmberllaModule"
        version = "1.0"
        ios.deploymentTarget = "12.0"
        framework {
            baseName = "UmberllaModule"
            isStatic = false
            // transitiveExport = true
And the class you are looking at are in module1 or module 2 and not a dependency of them?
I guess I understand what you mean. To be more precise, It's like this: Umbrella module:
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framework {
   // transitiveExport = true
module 1:
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sourceSets {
    commonMain.dependencies {
The classes that have the domain prefix now are placed in module 2 (that is added in module 1)
If you add the export of module2 in that case the domain prefix should go away. The prefix is added to types that are not exported.
👍 1