Hi again :wave: I would like to have my users be a...
# ksp
Hi again 👋 I would like to have my users be able to do
Copy code
typealias SomeName = SomeAnnotation
Such that when I do
I would also get symbols annotated with
. Or I am open to doing something else on my side to have symbols annotated by a typealias to be considered of course 🙂 Is there a way to do this? I can't seem to make it work..
You should be able to do it the other way around, putting the type alias into the argument of
But if I don't know about the typealias because it was created by the user of my library, on their module, I wouldn't know what to pass to that function 🤔 I do also have a case where I could include a typealias in the library, but that also doesn't seem to work. It seems like
returns empty sequence for typealiases.