Will refine this more but merged this for now and ...
# confetti
Will refine this more but merged this for now and also in internal test channel in play store if you want to try it out (this is using backend configured per conference seed color for the cards here and for the theme in general when you open confernece)
What is up with the colors? Is there a pattern or is it randomized?
so to start off with I picked some arbitrary seed colors for some of the conferences and there's a a default for other ones
👍 1
in Sessionize.kt
Yeah, I was wondering if we should have a sort of pattern. For example: all droidcons with the same color, all DevFest with the same colors, etc. but also not sure if that is a good UX choice or not, haha.
Ah, nice! I will check your PR.
that's the backend PR.....there's one after that then for the client side changes
which uses this library then to create material theme from that seed color https://github.com/jordond/MaterialKolor?tab=readme-ov-file
there's more options for that library that I haven't looked at yet
it also has https://demo.materialkolor.com/ to show colours it picks