I'm trying to understand the `ksp.useKSP2=true` fl...
# ksp
I'm trying to understand the
flag. Should it be used in a "provider" project (the project containing the KSP processor) or in a "consumer" project (the one using ksp plugin to generate code)? When I set this flag in my micronaut project I have errors running micronaut's processor.
Copy code
> Task :modules:kilua-rpc-micronaut:kspKotlinJvm
e: [ksp] Error processing type visitor [io.micronaut.context.visitor.ExecutableVisitor@5e77c701]: null
e: [ksp] java.lang.NullPointerException
e: [ksp] Error processing type visitor [io.micronaut.context.visitor.ExecutableVisitor@5e77c701]: null
e: [ksp] java.lang.NullPointerException
e: [ksp] Error processing type visitor [io.micronaut.context.visitor.ExecutableVisitor@5e77c701]: The member named [value] with type [[Lio.micronaut.context.annotation.AliasFor;] is not a valid member type
e: [ksp] java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The member named [value] with type [[Lio.micronaut.context.annotation.AliasFor;] is not a valid member type
e: [ksp] Error processing type visitor [io.micronaut.context.visitor.ExecutableVisitor@5e77c701]: The member named [value] with type [[Lio.micronaut.context.annotation.AliasFor;] is not a valid member type
e: [ksp] java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The member named [value] with type [[Lio.micronaut.context.annotation.AliasFor;] is not a valid member type
e: [ksp] Error processing type visitor [io.micronaut.validation.visitor.async.AsyncTypeElementVisitor@784cd98f]: null
e: [ksp] java.lang.NullPointerException
e: [ksp] Error processing type visitor [io.micronaut.validation.visitor.async.AsyncTypeElementVisitor@784cd98f]: null
e: [ksp] java.lang.NullPointerException
e: [ksp] Originating element: get
e: [ksp] The member named [value] with type [[Lio.micronaut.context.annotation.AliasFor;] is not a valid member type
e: [ksp] java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The member named [value] with type [[Lio.micronaut.context.annotation.AliasFor;] is not a valid member type
It works without KSP2 flag. Is this KSP issue to be reported? Or a micronaut issue?
I'm on