Hi everyone! I'm currently integrating <Roborazzi>...
# compose
Hi everyone! I'm currently integrating Roborazzi in my app to start having a golden for our design system. I'm facing an issue where I'm not being able to capture a screenshot for the "Pressed" mode. Has anyone done this? I'll leave more details on the šŸ§µ
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    fun primaryButtonPressed() {
        composeTestRule.setTestContent {
                onClick = { },
                modifier = Modifier.testTag("tag")
            ) {
                Text(text = "Button")

            .performTouchInput {
Expected image is the first, what I actually get from roborazzi is the second.
Is this possible to achieve? I was hoping to be able to screenshot the pressed state. We have our custom behaviour, but the example uses the default material components
The best way to do this is to use a MutableInteraction source and emit a Press event via a LaunchedEffect on the screenshot test. Roborazzi should wait for idle so this will update before the screenshot is taken
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val interactionSource = remember { MutableInteractionSource() }
        Button(onClick = {}, interactionSource = interactionSource) {
            Text(text = "Label")
        LaunchedEffect(Unit) {
            interactionSource.emit(PressInteraction.Press(Offset(0f, 0f)))
This works perfectly. Thank you so much for the input!
It seems that this topic is included in I/O.


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