hello, everyone, `JRE` is bigger and bigger, I don...
# compiler
hello, everyone,
is bigger and bigger, I don't like. what do you think so?
This has nothing to do with the Kotlin compiler. To create a custom minimized JRE use jlink.
👍 1
idea need jre, android need jre. can Kotlin compiler run without jre?
what is jlink? send me jlink website
But custom JRE can not develop a intact application. For example. can android studio run normally in the custom JRE ? can idea run normally in the custom JRE ? This is language's base problem.
Who cares how big the JRE is the IDE runs on?
🤷‍♂️ 1
I know many facts can defeat your opinion. @Arjan van Wieringen For example: 1. I download Intellj, it have a jbr. I download android studio, it have a jbr. I download clion, it have jbr too. so many other IDE and applications that depend on JAVA need a JAVA runtime. so in my computer, there are at least three jbr. 2. some application must need vendor locked in java runtime, like jbr. some application must need oracle java runtime. some application must need others custom runtime so your computer maybe have many different java runtime.
What is a JBR?
And who cares you have multiple runtimes. Space is almost free
JetBrains one
I believe many people like me care about space. after all, you buy a computer, computer space is fixed. unless you pay for another storage. I take a example in the world: my grandfather time, a house costs $1000/square. my father time, a house costs $10000/square. now my time, a house costs $100000/square. price maybe not precise. however, from the time going on, house price is growing. this is a very big and silly realworld problem, and this is very unfair to future children
How exactly is this relevant to a compiler? The Kotlin compiler only needs a JVM 8. You are not forced to use AS, CLion or any thing else.
Not a good example, storage price has decreased over the years.
I have used these software for android, c++. new java syntax need new runtime. I have no money If I have money, I am not willing to buy a new storage. and my computer SSD is 1T. This is not my problem, however is language problem.
I've just checked the size of the JBR in my installed copy of IntelliJ IDEA. It's 361 MB which is a fairly large percentage of the total space taken up by the IDE. However, it's still just 361 MB. If you have IntelliJ, AS and CLion installed, those three JBRs make up about 1 GB. That's 1000th of your disk capacity. The proportional cost to you of 1GB of disk space is approximately the same as the cost of electricity spent while you write about the cost of storage.
BTW you rarely need IntelliJ CE and Android Studio.
they are not only big but also duplicate. my programming life is not only about java. I do work for C++, TypeScript and others languages. if many peopel rarely need IntelliJ and Android Studio. why does Jetbrains invent Intellij? why does google invent Android Studio? many people like me use Android Studio to develop android application, use Intellij to develop other java application.
AS is a custom fork of (an older) IntelliJ CE maintained by Google. JetBrains ports the AS plugin back to the current IntelliJ CE, so you can use AS or IntelliJ CE, for most use-cases. If you need IntelliJ Ultimate, well, you also have enough money to buy an 1 TB SSD...
no. it is not money problem. problem is they are not only big but also duplicate.
Because IntelliJ can be used with dozens of languages and a huge amount of frameworks. Meanwhile AS is oriented to only Android, and maintained by a different company, Google.
Kotlin ecosystem is not only Android at the end.
so whatever, however, everytime IDE update, every big and duplicate runtime occupy my space usage and brandwidth usage.
you can cleanup old installations using jetbrains toolbox
1. I can do that. but runtime have no little problem? 2. In the future, although I cleanup, I still have no more free storage to fullfill more installation and download size. how to do next?
from time going on, those size is growing bigger and bigger.
No if you only have an IDE and you remove old versions
your logic is wrong. In the fact, I do not use old IDE. Problem, by itself, natively. new IDE is bigger than old IDE recklessly. new runtime is too.
That happens with everything, are you complaining on all tech Slacks about that obvious thing?
Why do you even use Kotlin? I only hear complaining tbh
All apps are growing in size over the years, that blocks using anything.
And they are not scaling at the same pace as games, if not, that would be a real joke
If you care about IntelliJ size, open a ticket. JetBrains tries to minify IntelliJ as much as possible. You can also remove AS and only use IntelliJ by installing the back ported Android plugins: Android, Android Design Tools and Jetpack Compose.
installing the back ported Android plugins: Android, Android Design Tools and Jetpack Compose.
They are installed by default, no?
Nope, only Android. The last two are the new plugins developed by JetBrains and Google to streamline the AS fork (and maybe! get rid of it at all).
If nothing else helps you might want to switch to XCode 😆
😆 3
I do not care about apple thing. apple is closed. I recommand microsoft practice: one .net runtime for every .net application. latest packaged runtime is left, lastest installed runtime is right.
Still don’t get it, .net 8 for Linux is about 200 MB, JRE 21 for Linux too.
This thread makes 0 sense
I think the point is that on Microsoft Windows there are typically dozens of GUI applications all using the same single installed instance of the .NET Framework, while JVM applications typically each have their own JRE installed.
You can have a similar experience with Java too. Its called OpenWebStart
After read chromium source codes for 3 months, I have a deep thinking: write more C/C++, write less other languages. I was very and very painful for those 3 months. This thinking is very important to me. every language have own advantages and disadvantages. C/C++ is for power, other languages is for GUI. those 3 months, I only can hold on through watching videos about Bruce Lee. I want to be water, like Bruce Lee says.
Surely this is a troll