Hello, I'm trying to build links like in <https://...
# ktor
Hello, I'm trying to build links like in https://ktor.io/docs/type-safe-routing.html#resource_links by using the overrloaded href function but without success any one faced this issue before?
I think I get it, the overridden
should be invoked in the context of the Application or any instance than extends the application like a
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this@dashboard.application.apply { 
The problem I'm using HTML DSL templates and I need to use
inside the template, how to get the instance of the app or a resource inside the template?
Ok, I passed the application instance to my template class and used it inside the body/
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class RootTemplate(private val pageTitle: String, private val app: Application) : Template<HTML> {
 body("has-navbar-fixed-top") {
            app.apply {
               a {
                  href = href(Routes.Dashboard) 