Hello i have a multi module compose multiplatform ...
# multiplatform
Hello i have a multi module compose multiplatform project. In two of modules i need to use composeResources strings.xml. I'm getting an error: * What went wrong: Execution failed for task 'composeAppmergeDebugJavaResource'.
A failure occurred while executing com.android.build.gradle.internal.tasks.MergeJavaResWorkAction
> 2 files found with path 'values/strings.xml' from inputs: - D:\mypath\module1\build\intermediates\java_res\debug\out - D:\mypath\module2\build\intermediates\java_res\debug\out Caused by: com.android.builder.merge.DuplicateRelativeFileException: 2 files found with path 'values/strings.xml'. Does anyone know if there is anything i can do with it? Or it's just side effect of experimental api? Thanks!