```@Composable fun Testing() { val myValue by ...
# compose
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fun Testing() {
    val myValue by asdf.collectAsState(initial = "nunya")
    LaunchedEffect(token) { Log.e("ABC", "LE with $myValue") }

val asdf = flow { repeat(10){
Why does the above output
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13:53:45.647  E  LE with a
13:53:45.756  E  LE with a
I was expecting
LE with nunya
and then
LE with a
, but why is it LE with a, twice?
Maybe there's a way to actually print out what the value was of the LE's key at the time the LE was launched
Since LaunchedEffect also launches a coroutine I suppose the order in which these things happen result in this. If you had a log inside a DisposableEffect instead I would expect to see "nunya" instead.
👍 1
LaunchedEffect block is scheduled to run on the next frame. this is one of the main differences between LaunchedEffect and DisposableEffect. so, the log statement will never get a chance to be executed before
initializtion which happens on the current frame.