I think the rules for <#C0BJ0GTE2|feed> regarding ...
# meta
I think the rules for #feed regarding closed source and ads should be clarified in the channels description. I refrained from advertising my closed source app Ashampoo Photos in that channel so far - at least directly. Its a Compose Multiplatform app and I could have posted something about every major new feature, but I felt that’s not really an „interesting thing“ for others as there is no open repo to learn from or a lib to use. So imagined everybody would post announcements & updates about their commercial products - the channel would become unusable for those wanting to stay up to date with new libs. That’s why I only posted about my open source libs and apps and somehow expect others to do that, too. Closed source dev tools like Conveyor could be seen as an exception, but I think this FolderSync is just a regular app. #random would have been fine for that post with me. #compose-ui-showcase is also okay in my book to show off our apps (open source or not). So can we post ads in #feed or not?
I would think that finished products (opened or closed source) go in #feed (in other groups I'm in there's a "promoted" channel), while open source libraries, etc... go in the channel that it's related to (#compose, #ktor, etc...).
That could mean multiple copy pasted posts if people see fit more than one channel. That’s something that should be regulated, too.
I typically deal with that by posting it in the most pertinent channel, and if there are other channels that it fits with I'd post a link to the original message.
Possible. Guidelines would help. Personally I watch #feed closely to not miss new interesting libs as I felt they usually are announced there. The other channels are more for seeking help / asking questions and discussing ideas. And there is of course a lot of volume to keep up with, with causes me to irregularly look into those channels to see if I can help or if I need help. So the low volume in #feed is a good thing. I missed the announcement of Cupterino Compose because it was only announced in a channel, but not in the feed. So I see what you mean. I don’t know who is the one to decide on this matter or else I would ping them here. 👀
I think #feed should be for products that are interesting specifically to Kotlin developers. A closed-source end-user application should be out of scope as the fact it was written in Kotlin is not obvious.
@Maria Krishtal Who can decide upon this matter and eventually improve/clarify the channels description?
I'm thinking about something like this:
Copy code
Post links to interesting things about Kotlin. These include Kotlin library announcements/updates, open source (sample) apps, news, blog articles & tutorial videos.

Please don't advertise your closed-source end-user applications or paid books & courses here.

Discuss in the relevant channel, not here.
Hi Stefan, Thanks for raising this matter. Let me discuss it with the team and get back to you.
👍 1