With DataLoaders, is there a way to limit the fetc...
# graphql-kotlin
With DataLoaders, is there a way to limit the fetched data based on a outside value like a user id?
hello 👋 can you elaborate what you are trying to do?
i.e. data loaders are just a fancy name for a batching strategy across different resolvers
the example from the graphql.org is fetching friends of friends
that being said -> dataloaders do take arguments (e.g. user ids)
This is what I am trying to do https://github.com/Suwayomi/Suwayomi-Server/pull/623/files#diff-25a0ffe5ac2c4acb0b77f1ea02942ca05a5170a5fd10562d61298e601d52c6b3 Basically I want to be able to join userdata to an existing relational dataloader thats already taking arguments. I don't think my approach here is correct, as I think userdata may get sent to the wrong person since I only take userid from 1 request
well that is a very large PR so you got to be more specific in what you are trying to do
The link I sent goes to a specific file, I'll try to explain it. Basically I grab the userid from the dataloader env, but I am grabbing the userId from the first request. I think dataloaders can have multiple different requests in one batch, which would cause my code to send user data to the wrong user. There isn't a simple way to group specific dataloaders to something like a key from what I can see, which would let me use the userid as a key
if you need two different ids to fetch data I believe your data loader should be accepting both of them as input? unsure what you are trying to fetch from env
unsure how you calculate the user -> if it is associated to a request then it should be same user for all the dataloader calls
dataloaders are created per request (or at least should be)
UserId is attached to the request GraphQLContext based on a jwt. We pass the chapter Ids we are fetching, not the user ids. We get the chapter userdata along with the chapter. I was under the impression that dataloaders could be the same if the requests happen basically at the same time, does that mean that even if 2 requests of the same type happen, that it will still create 2 different dataloaders? I couldn't find any info on this, it would solve my issue
dataloaders are created per request so if you receive 2 requests then each request will have their own data loader* *assuming your server library does it, we do it for Spring + Ktor, if you use another server -> check that server implementation
Great, I and another guy wrote the implementation we use since we use Javalin. It should be the same. Thanks for the help 👍