How can I make text my button to match text width?...
# compose
How can I make text my button to match text width? šŸ‘€ If display/font scale is increased, text breaks to new line, but button width doesn't seem to match text width. It has unnecessary width. If I use
text will always break, which I don't want.
Copy code
Button(onClick = onClick) {
    Text(text = "Add to schedule")
It should already just match the text size if you do nothing and the button has room to grow itself no?
Like Stylianos said, it should grow horizontally first until it runs out of space.
If you are using intrinsics, youā€™d want to use Max not Min
It does grow horizontally. And it also ran out of space. I have another element next to it, that prevents it from growing further horizontally.
I guess I didn't provide the best screenshots šŸ˜…
I have another element next to it, that prevents it from growing further horizontally. Then it looks like that is your issue in the first place. It really depends on what your requirements are for this scenario. We use this[ā€¦]ig/android/core/ui/text/HorizontalItemsWithMaximumSpaceTaken.kt for when we have two items horizontally that we donā€™t want one to ā€œgobbleā€ the other one but to share the space fairly, just as an example. Itā€™s surprisingly often what people are looking for so I keep linking it in this channel šŸ˜„ Original solution was proposed here
Interesting solution, thanks. In my case the button already has more than 1/2 of the screen width, so I guess it already has a fair amount of space. I was just wondering how to trim unnecessary width of the button, in the case when text wraps.
Oh hm that one I am not so sure about.
Oh, ok. We have a bug open for that, I thought it had been fixed recently but Iā€™ll double check
What version of compose are you using?
Not the latest. We're a bit behind atm: 2023.10.01
Try making a simple new project with the latest to see if you experience the same thing perhaps
This is likely a bug of Compose's Text. Just FYI, this bug also happens with tranditional View's TextView This answer solves it (Slightly worse performance, btw)
just use softWrap = false and maxLine = 1