Hello Konsist community. We have been silent for a...
# konsist
Hello Konsist community. We have been silent for a while, but I have exciting news for you today 😁 The day has finally come. New Konsist version has been released.
Konsist 0.14.0
brings bug fixes and further improvements. We have been bale to implement top 1 most requested feature -
declaration references
- see release log for more details https://docs.konsist.lemonappdev.com/features/declaration-references. ⚠️ All API members initially targeted for
will be removed in
to , so please keep your Konsist tests up to date. Konsist project is growing. Konsist API is simple to use, but to build such intuitive API a lot of planning and work is required. ATM Konsist codebase has exceeded 170K lines of code (900+ merged PRs). Witch such large code we continue to improve CI pipeline and existing test suite, to avoid future regressions. That’s being said we will push more for shorter release cycles. For those of you who might be aware, The Konsist talk has been chosen for KotlinConf 2024 🥳. If you're going to be at the conference, I'd love for you to come over and say hi. Next goal on our road map is to process remaining community feedback and implement improvements for architectural check. Thank you for the patience and priceless feedback in form of discussions, messages, articles, and PRs🙏 . Please Check full release notes https://github.com/LemonAppDev/konsist/releases/tag/v0.14.0
🙌 8
🎉 6
👀 2
💃 3
Nice! So hyped about this! 🎉 Great work!
❤️ 2
I've just met with this library, love that 🦠 Awesome work
❤️ 2