Does someone understand the new Material 3 PullToR...
# compose-android
Does someone understand the new Material 3 PullToRefresh a better better than I? It seems like it's a step backwards from the Material2 PullRefresh. Having to use LaunchedEffects in order to check if the state is refreshing, and then a LaunchedEffect from my own viewModel where I have a boolean for isRefreshing in order to stop refreshing after the network success etc. Unless there's a way to use your own boolean state for m3 pull to refresh, or maybe I'm not tightly integrated the pullToRefreshState into my viewModel as much as I should be? The example on the docs doesn't show an example with a viewModel so you usually have to infer how to make the necessary changes yourself. 🧵
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val rememberPullToRefreshState = rememberPullToRefreshState(enabled = {

    if (rememberPullToRefreshState.isRefreshing) {
        LaunchedEffect(true) {
            // fetch something
    //from viewModel, set to true when refresh is called, and set to false at the end of refresh on error or success
    if (!isRefreshing) {
        LaunchedEffect(true) {
            if(rememberPullToRefreshState.isRefreshing) {
here's the m2 pullRefresh which just takes a boolean either from a local remember or from a viewModel state or something.
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import androidx.compose.material.ListItem
import androidx.compose.material.Text
import androidx.compose.material.pullrefresh.PullRefreshIndicator
import androidx.compose.material.pullrefresh.pullRefresh
import androidx.compose.material.pullrefresh.rememberPullRefreshState
import androidx.compose.runtime.mutableStateOf
import androidx.compose.runtime.remember
import androidx.compose.runtime.rememberCoroutineScope

val refreshScope = rememberCoroutineScope()
var refreshing by remember { mutableStateOf(false) }
var itemCount by remember { mutableStateOf(15) }

fun refresh() = refreshScope.launch {
    refreshing = true
    itemCount += 5
    refreshing = false

val state = rememberPullRefreshState(refreshing, ::refresh)

Box(Modifier.pullRefresh(state)) {
    LazyColumn(Modifier.fillMaxSize()) {
        if (!refreshing) {
            items(itemCount) {
                ListItem { Text(text = "Item ${itemCount - it}") }

    PullRefreshIndicator(refreshing, state, Modifier.align(Alignment.TopCenter))
Should I be putting a PullToRefreshState in my viewModel instead of using rememberPullToRefreshState in my Composable?
I agree that this API feels a little bit more awkward. I would be fine with putting the
in my view model, but that's also not easy because of the required
positionalThreshold: Float
that it needs to build it. 🤔
State holder objects that want to be in the ViewModel but are making it hard to move the to the ViewModel because they take in a parameter that does not fit the ViewModel. Name a more iconic duo 🫣
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Thanks for the replies. I'll probably just stick with the LaunchedEffects and having a separate boolean on my uiState in my viewModel. The M2 API seemed really nice so I wonder why they went this route with M3.
Have you guys had much luck using the enabled parameter of the rememberPullToRefreshState? Doesn't seem to work for me and I've opted for having my conditional apply to the nestedScrollConnection modifier instead.
I haven't played around enough with this yet, as we're on an older version of compose-material3, unfortunately.
Yeah and we just got the code from accompanist if I remember correctly[…]p/ui/pullrefresh/src/main/kotlin/com/hedvig/android/pullrefresh and just moved it in our code directly after the deprecation. We possibly did some adjustments to it too, I really do not remember. Haven’t touched it since because it just works for us 🤷
Seems like they are doing some big changes to the api
thank you color 2
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Yeah and the sample code looks good
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fun PullToRefreshViewModelSample() {
    val viewModel = remember {
        object : ViewModel() {
            private val refreshRequests = Channel<Unit>(1)
            var isRefreshing by mutableStateOf(false)
                private set

            var itemCount by mutableStateOf(15)
                private set

            init {
                viewModelScope.launch {
                    for (r in refreshRequests) {
                        isRefreshing = true
                        try {
                            itemCount += 5
                            delay(1000) // simulate doing real work
                        } finally {
                            isRefreshing = false

            fun refresh() {

        topBar = {
                title = { Text("Title") },
                // Provide an accessible alternative to trigger refresh.
                actions = {
                        enabled = !viewModel.isRefreshing,
                        onClick = { viewModel.refresh() }) {
                        Icon(Icons.Filled.Refresh, "Trigger Refresh")
    ) {
            modifier = Modifier.padding(it),
            isRefreshing = viewModel.isRefreshing,
            onRefresh = { viewModel.refresh() }
        ) {
            LazyColumn(Modifier.fillMaxSize()) {
                if (!viewModel.isRefreshing) {
                    items(viewModel.itemCount) {
                        ListItem({ Text(text = "Item ${viewModel.itemCount - it}") })
With the VM holding the single source of truth for the refreshing state!
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thank goodness.