Hi, I am trying to ensure a single instance of my ...
# multiplatform
Hi, I am trying to ensure a single instance of my Desktop JVM app, when running on Windows. I have created this simple code using Java JNA to set focus to existing window on startup if trying to start another instance:
Copy code
fun checkForSingleInstance(onExit: () -> Unit) {
    when (hostOs) {
        OS.Windows -> {
            val handle = User32.INSTANCE.FindWindow(null, windowTitle.uppercase())

            if (handle != null) {
                User32.INSTANCE.ShowWindow(handle, User32.SW_SHOWNORMAL)
        else -> {
            // do nothing
My issue is if the app is minimized to Tray using visible property on Window, then the window is shown correct when starting another instance, but I can not interact with anything other that the Toolbar Min/Max/Close buttons until I use a Tray action to reset the visible property (resizing the window also just add white space like the Compose engine is not running). What am I missing?
I had this issue on one of my personal projects. Solved it with a simple
file and
which would be checked for at startup. UI was very simple "app is already open. If this is incorrect, delete file xyz/.lock"
yes, but I also want to focus existing window and restore it to last shown position - which works fine on Windows except when minimized to tray - also the .lock solution has issues on hard crash of app (where the file is not guaranteed to be deleted)
👀 1
seems like this could be a solution or at least giving me idea to solve by communicating to existing app to untray the application
That utilizes a
file as well, lol.
yeah, I am not going to use it, but it internally send messages to existing application over socket - I can use that principle for a workaround to my issue
to set the visible param
Actually, if you're using Java 16+ you can replace the
file concept with Unix Domain Sockets which will resolve that hard crash problem (drops it to the FS to clean up when the process owner exits)