what are some of your best resources that succinct...
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what are some of your best resources that succinctly explain the advantages of non-null, immutability, pure(r) functions that return things instead of void ones that "do things to" their inputs etc etc basically resource that explain and make the case for modern idiomatic Kotlin and Java over old school 90s imperative null and mutation filled Java? (anything from blog articles to StackOverflow responses, anything) I'll start Kotlin Avoids Entire Categories of Java Defects Effective Java but it's a big book this Bloch QA https://www.oracle.com/technical-resources/articles/javase/bloch-effective-08-qa.html this Goetz QA


this Reinhold QA https://blogs.oracle.com/javamagazine/post/what-are-they-buildingand-why-6-questions-for-the-top-java-architects
👍 1
I have a talk about it 😛 but I saw they removed the one recording i have of it. If you are looking for someone to spar with, let me know 🙂