<JS nested tests> update: I've merged in the chang...
# kotest
JS nested tests update: I've merged in the changes from master with the WasmJS changes, and it looks good from the JS side of things (run
gradle :kotest-tests:kotest-tests-js:jsTest
, and see screenshot). How can I test if my changes have affected Wasm? When I run
gradle wasmJsTest
it doesn't trigger anything...
cc @Oliver.O
I'd guess that a
task is not even available in your case. The version of kotest-tests/kotest-tests-js/build.gradle.kts that is part of your PR says:
plugins {
// must be a published version and not one in the current build
id("io.kotest.multiplatform") version "5.8.0"
The unpublished Kotest 5.9.0 will be the first release containing the
target. So in the meantime you could adjust the version in the above build script, publish the respective Kotest version locally (e.g.
) and pick it up from there. Note that
was still disabled in the main branch when merging the WasmJS changes. So it may work with WasmJS or it may not. General WasmJS testing is done in
, using a separate build of
(but this is slooooow).