Still stuck trying to do the simple task of making...
# getting-started
Still stuck trying to do the simple task of making gradle expect tests in /test/* instead of /src/test/kotlin/* one guide gives this as an example
Copy code
    footest {
        java {
...what? I can't make sense of this so we are saying footest is a new sourceSet... which I guess we can just do for arbitrary names? and then saying that java is a sub source set? Or is it instead setting a configuration value java behavior, and so it must be a special keyword here and not something I can just invent? this is all so implicit and requires already knowing everything to get what is going on.
This uses the groovy DSL, and indeed Gradle relies on this weird (horrible) Groovy feature to have user-defined strings look like regular function calls. If you use the Kotlin DSL this is made much clearer.
Also, if you need help with Gradle setup specifically, I think this is not the right Slack. This is about Kotlin, and we can also talk about Gradle configuration surrounding Kotlin. But it seems you are trying to set up a quite custom configuration by changing a bunch of Gradle conventions, and in that case you might get more help on the Gradle Slack instead.
👍 1
I did something similar in my github project where I try to set up testing and resource finding for tests in a kotlin multiplatform project. but it is in kotlin dsl: (look at the composeApp/build.gradle.kts for the example if it helps)