I have a question regarding selective and incremen...
# arrow
I have a question regarding selective and incremental migration to the Raise DSL and code coloring. I have a generic interface for converters:
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fun interface Converter<in I, out O> {
    fun convert(input: I): O
My system does a lot of domain mapping, so this interface has 100+ implementations. Some
implementations are trivial, and are declared to return non-nullable or nullable types. Others can result in logical errors, and so I've been declaring them to return an `Either`:
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object NonTrivialConverter : Converter<Int, Either<Error, Int> {
    fun convert(input: Int): Either<Error, Int> = either {
        ensure(input <= LIMIT) { Error() }       
        input * SCALING_FACTOR
I'm currently using the `either`/`bind()` approach to compose logic that calls such functions, but it's not ideal: • The extra
calls increase verbosity. • They can be omitted without producing a compile-time error, which is contrary to the shift-left value proposition of typed errors. ◦ I'm aware of the Detekt rule, but additional build and IDE plugins add overhead and risk compared to native language and IDE support. • The ergonomics of lambdas as function bodies isn't great. ◦ For one, there's the jarring mix of value-of-last-expression returns for lambda function bodies vs. explicit `return`s for regular function bodies. ◦ Also, at least in the latest version of IntelliJ, return type issues in lambdas result in the entire lambda body being underlined in red, unlike the precise error highlighting in regular function bodies. I've experimented with the
DSL. That wonderfully addresses all of the above issues, with one problem. If I understand correctly, to use the Raise DSL with my generic converters I need to update my functional interface to have a
receiver or context parameter, e.g.:
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fun interface Converter<in I, out O> {
    fun convert(input: I): O
The issue is that I've now colored my functional interface, not unlike if I'd made it `suspend`ing. I can't migrate my codebase to it incrementally, and all implementers must be called from a
context regardless of whether they actually need it. Have you all encountered this problem, and is there a solution for it besides sticking with the `either`/`bind()` approach? If that latter is the only option, I'd start providing feedback on the code coloring downside of the current context parameters proposal, or advocating for the revisiting of for-comprehensions in Kotlin (KT-18861) as a native solution to `either`/`bind()`.
👍 1
👍🏾 1
I think that the way you declared your functional interface is not really what you want. You should have something on the lines of:
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fun interface Converter<in I, out O> {
  fun Raise<Error>.convert(input: I): O
Hey Ian, Interesting question! This should allow you to incrementally migrate:
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object Error

fun <I, O> Converter(
    block: context(Raise<Error>) (input: I) -> O
): Converter<I, O> =
    object : Converter<I, O> {
        override fun Raise<Error>.convert(input: I): O =
            block(this@convert, input)

fun <I, O> Converter(
    block: (input: I) -> Either<Error, O>
): Converter<I, O> =
    object : Converter<I, O> {
        override fun Raise<Error>.convert(input: I): O =

fun interface Converter<in I, out O> {
    fun Raise<Error>.convert(input: I): O

    fun convert(input: I): Either<Error, O> =
        either { convert(input) }
I don't think having for-comprehensions make any sense. You can discuss if
colors the function or not, it's the same as
. It also colors your functions in a way.
one way I've dealt with a similar problem in the past is to have a hierarchy of interfaces
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fun interface FailingConverter<in I, out O> {
  fun Raise<Error>.convert(input: I): O

fun interface PureConverter<in I, out O>: FailingConverter<I, O> {
  fun convertNoFailure(input: I): O
  override fun Raise<Error>.convert(input: I): O = convertNoFailure(input)
for a similar example, this is how `suspend`/non-
is dealt with in Arrow Collectors https://github.com/arrow-kt/arrow/blob/arrow-2/arrow-libs/fx/arrow-collectors/src/commonMain/kotlin/arrow/collectors/Collector.kt#L160
Oh, nevermind. I missed something.
(continuing with my message from above) think of the separation between
as the relation between
Converter<A, Either<E, B>>
Converter<A, B>
in your original example. You are marking whether they fail or not somehow. However, the two-interfaces approach give you the syntax you are looking for: no
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object NonTrivialConverter : FailingConverter<Int, Int> {
    fun Raise<Error>.convert(input: Int): Int {
        ensure(input <= LIMIT) { Error() }       
        return input * SCALING_FACTOR
Sorry, along the lines of my previous one + the one from Ale. This works for me locally, and would allow introduce a new interface which remains compatible with the original one. You can refactor
Converter<String, Either<Error, Int>
ContextConverter<Raise<Error>, String, Int>
and it should not really change at the call site if you're using the DSL.
just nitpicking, given the upcoming changes in context receivers/parameters, I would rather make
an extension receiver (
fun Context.convert(input: I): O
) instead of a contextual one
That breaks the code here sadly 😞
Since you call
and you replace the receiver with the extension ..
I would honestly prefer extension functions over context with a single param, but it's not feasible atm. Having a publci extension in a type is ... bad 😕
What I am currently LOVING, and hope it doesn't change is that
is like having no context, so you can generically "erase" the fact that you have a context receiver
(note that unfortunately the overloading overriding rules for context receivers are wrong in the current prototype, this is why you can
one with the other; this is the reason I have
in my example)
Also, if it's truly an override? There is no overload in my last example, but only an override
Failing and Infallibe converters.kt.cpp
☝️ 1
Another alternative for an encoding with a type paramer
I think we have the same example, but is
on type/constructor going to stay @Alejandro Serrano.Mena? I thought it was going to be removed on interfaces, and classes.
@raulraja does your compile, and run?
note that having the
on the class doesn't do what you expect
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fun interface Converter<out E, in I, out O> {
  operator fun invoke(input: I): O
the reason is that (in the current prototype) the context is taking from the place you call the constructor; instead of the place where you call the function. This is why the faithful encoding is instead
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fun interface Converter<out E, in I, out O> {
  operator fun Raise<E>.invoke(input: I): O
  // or, if you prefer
  context(Raise<E>) operator fun invoke(input: I): O
and indeed, the first block is not going to compile anymore once context parameters get implemented (one of the main reasons is exactly the confusion between when the context is "captured")
I've gotten confused now 😅 Are you also talking about this, https://kotlinlang.slack.com/archives/C5UPMM0A0/p1710405666844689?thread_ts=1710388229.201949&cid=C5UPMM0A0? What do you mean with the first block? > This is why the faithful encoding is instead I think this is impossible, it doesn't resolve at the call-site unless you do.
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val conv = Convertor<Error, String, Int>
either {
  conv.convert(...) // expected convert to be called on Raise.
  with(conv) { convert(..) } // this works.
@raulraja does your compile, and run?
just prototyped it quickly on the editor but haven't tested it. We use this class level context on other places though to avoid
with(instance) { callInstanceMethod }
so I'm guessing all that is going to break once context parameters are in
aaargh, you're right! the confusion between extension & dispatch receiver strikes again! indeed the best way would be to have the
in the context (but in invoke, not on top of the class) fun interface Converterout E, in I, out O { context(RaiseE) operator fun invoke(input: I): O }
Yes, extension and dispatch receiver is... tricky 😅 The last snippet I shared is a full example of how this could be encoded on top of your existing code, to incrementally migrate @ianbrandt! It also compiles for me on 1.9.22 with context receivers enabled. Would love to hear your thoughts, since you clearly gave this a lot of thought before asking your question 😉
Thank you all for looking into this! I'll try your suggestions out and come back here with my findings.
arrow intensifies 1
🙌 1
I tried to give Simon’s approach a go in my project, but I'm running into a "Backend Internal error: Exception during IR lowering" compilation failure with Kotlin 1.9.23 when I do. I need to redact the error trace a little, and then I'll get it posted to YouTrack. Stay tuned.
this is caused from the fact that you are overiding a function without context with a function with context, try giving them different names
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fun interface ContextConverter<C, in I, out O> {
    fun ctxConvert(input: I): O

fun interface Converter<in I, out O> : ContextConverter<Unit, I, O> {
    fun convert(input: I): O
    override context(Unit) fun ctxConvert(input: I): O = convert(input)
btw, I've consulted and
is not a good option here, because once the implementation is finished, it won't work (you cannot create values of type
); so
is a best choice
@Alejandro Serrano.Mena Could
have the same semantics as
no context
and get automatically erased or synthesized by the compiler as needed? The compiler has guarantees that it can provide the only singleton instance value for Unit as it does in functions with no explicit return. If it does not get automatically synthesized how do you call functions with
? Is it like ?
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Unit.run { convert(i) }
is the same as the raw environment I would expect to be able to call that function without a context. Similarly I expected this should have been a valid override:
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fun interface Converter<in I, out O> : ContextConverter<Unit, I, O> {
    override fun convert(input: I): O = convert(input)
or if we want to leave this explicit.
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fun interface Converter<in I, out O> : ContextConverter<Unit, I, O> {
    override context(Unit) fun convert(input: I): O = convert(input)
But at the call site I don't see the point of providing my own value of Unit or carrying the
can only have one inhabitant and the compiler knows which one it is.
I tried:
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fun interface ContextConverter<C, in I, out O> {

    fun ctxConvert(input: I): O

fun interface Converter<in I, out O> : ContextConverter<Unit, I, O> {

    fun convert(input: I): O

    override fun ctxConvert(input: I): O = convert(input)
I can't say I love the extra method subjectively (for example, it wouldn't work with overloading
). Regardless, I ran into a Kotlin/Spring reflection issue with one of my unmodified (i.e. not context) converters:
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Caused by: kotlin.reflect.jvm.internal.KotlinReflectionInternalError: Inconsistent number of parameters in the descriptor and Java reflection object: 3 != 2
Calling: context(kotlin.Unit) public open fun ctxConvert(input: my.A?): my.B defined in my.PlainAToBConverter[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor@79a201cf]
Parameter types: [class mt.PlainAToBConverter, class kotlin.Unit, class java.lang.Object])
Default: false
   at kotlin.reflect.jvm.internal.calls.ValueClassAwareCallerKt.checkParametersSize(ValueClassAwareCaller.kt:263)
   at kotlin.reflect.jvm.internal.calls.ValueClassAwareCallerKt.access$checkParametersSize(ValueClassAwareCaller.kt:1)
   at kotlin.reflect.jvm.internal.calls.ValueClassAwareCaller.<init>(ValueClassAwareCaller.kt:116)
   at kotlin.reflect.jvm.internal.calls.ValueClassAwareCallerKt.createValueClassAwareCallerIfNeeded(ValueClassAwareCaller.kt:304)
   at kotlin.reflect.jvm.internal.calls.ValueClassAwareCallerKt.createValueClassAwareCallerIfNeeded$default(ValueClassAwareCaller.kt:293)
   at kotlin.reflect.jvm.internal.KFunctionImpl$caller$2.invoke(KFunctionImpl.kt:99)
   at kotlin.reflect.jvm.internal.KFunctionImpl$caller$2.invoke(KFunctionImpl.kt:64)
   at kotlin.SafePublicationLazyImpl.getValue(LazyJVM.kt:107)
   at kotlin.reflect.jvm.internal.KFunctionImpl.getCaller(KFunctionImpl.kt:64)
   at kotlin.reflect.jvm.ReflectJvmMapping.getJavaMethod(ReflectJvmMapping.kt:64)
   at kotlin.reflect.jvm.ReflectJvmMapping.findKFunction(ReflectJvmMapping.kt:155)
   at kotlin.reflect.jvm.ReflectJvmMapping.getKotlinFunction(ReflectJvmMapping.kt:144)
   at org.springframework.core.MethodParameter$KotlinDelegate.getGenericReturnType(MethodParameter.java:916)
   at org.springframework.core.MethodParameter$KotlinDelegate.access$000(MethodParameter.java:867)
   at org.springframework.core.MethodParameter.getGenericParameterType(MethodParameter.java:510)
   at org.springframework.core.SerializableTypeWrapper$MethodParameterTypeProvider.getType(SerializableTypeWrapper.java:291)
   at org.springframework.core.SerializableTypeWrapper.forTypeProvider(SerializableTypeWrapper.java:107)
   at org.springframework.core.ResolvableType.forType(ResolvableType.java:1420)
   at org.springframework.core.ResolvableType.forMethodParameter(ResolvableType.java:1341)
   at org.springframework.core.ResolvableType.forMethodParameter(ResolvableType.java:1323)
   at org.springframework.core.ResolvableType.forMethodParameter(ResolvableType.java:1290)
   at org.springframework.core.ResolvableType.forMethodReturnType(ResolvableType.java:1250)
   at org.springframework.core.GenericTypeResolver.resolveReturnType(GenericTypeResolver.java:80)
   at org.springframework.beans.GenericTypeAwarePropertyDescriptor.<init>(GenericTypeAwarePropertyDescriptor.java:110)
   at org.springframework.beans.CachedIntrospectionResults.buildGenericTypeAwarePropertyDescriptor(CachedIntrospectionResults.java:431)
   at org.springframework.beans.CachedIntrospectionResults.<init>(CachedIntrospectionResults.java:308)
   at org.springframework.beans.CachedIntrospectionResults.forClass(CachedIntrospectionResults.java:181)
   at org.springframework.beans.BeanWrapperImpl.getCachedIntrospectionResults(BeanWrapperImpl.java:174)
   at org.springframework.beans.BeanWrapperImpl.getPropertyDescriptors(BeanWrapperImpl.java:248)
   at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.filterPropertyDescriptorsForDependencyCheck(AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.java:1594)
   at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.filterPropertyDescriptorsForDependencyCheck(AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.java:1574)
   at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.populateBean(AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.java:1434)
   at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.doCreateBean(AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.java:619)
This is with Java 11 and Spring 5. To try it with the latest Spring 6, I'll either need to create a reproducer project, or upgrade my main project. Either (no pun intended) is going to take a bit of time.
I also tried flipping the
inheritance relationship around:
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fun interface Converter<in I, out O> { 
    fun convert(input: I): O 

fun interface ContextConverter<C, in I, out O> : Converter<I, O> {
    override fun convert(input: I): O
That resulted in a different internal error: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-66658/Backend-Internal-error-Exception-during-IR-lowering#focus=Comments-27-9492449.0-0
fun interface Converter<in I, out O> : ContextConverter<Unit, I, O> {
You should be using
here instead of
, and then you can remove the
. That way you don't need it at all, and there is also no need for an extra method. In case
will only be callable from within
either { }
or any other code with
Copy code
fun interface ContextConverter<C, in I, out O> {
    fun convert(input: I): O

fun interface Converter<in I, out O> : ContextConverter<Nothing, I, O> {
    fun convert(input: I): O
Can you try this?
Hi Simon, That was the initial approach I tried that gave the backend error. See my description at https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-66658/.
Oh, that's strange. For me it was compiling, and running on the JVM using 1.9.22. It was in a small project, what tech stack are you using? I have a bunch of Spring, and Ktor projects lying around perhaps I can give it a shot in one of them to see if I can reproduce it as well
I'm on OpenJDK, Kotlin 1.9.23, Spring 5.3.28. One of the internal errors seems to be occurring where a SAM conversion to a
Converter { ... }
is being done. The other in a test that's satisfying a
constructor dependency with
converterArg = { mockk() }
. These seem like edge cases to me, so I'm not too shocked by the errors.
Oh, ye that might be two edge cases.. cc\\ @Alejandro Serrano.Mena
Probably possible to find a different notation that might works. I've ran into many in the past 😅 Two tricks I always try is adding additional explicit generic params, and extract into more functions/val/parameters.
I.e. redundant generic arguments might fix the
In case you missed it in all this, Alejandro did comment on the errors and
above: https://kotlinlang.slack.com/archives/C5UPMM0A0/p1710576940925629?thread_ts=1710388229.201949&amp;cid=C5UPMM0A0. His comments sort of dissuaded me from pursuing this approach, since it won't do me much good if it's not going to work in the release version of context parameters.
Ah damn, that's a real shame 😞 I missed that indeed. I already showed it off on Twitter 🙈
kodee sad 1
I'm probably just catching up to you all here, but thinking on this, I realized my attempt that flips the inheritance relationship to
ContextConverter : Converter
doesn't really make sense. It violates the Liskov Substitution Principle. A
can't be substituted when clients expect a
, as those clients wouldn't provide the needed context. From that same perspective, it does seem like a subtype should be able to somehow override a context parameter to erase or widen it. Such a subtype would be substitutable for its supertype. If a subtype doesn't need a
, etc. in context, or could work with a supertype of the context parameter defined by its supertype, one would think it should be able to be declared as such to enable incremental migration use cases like mine here. This would seem to be in conflict with, "In the JVM a function with context parameters is represented as a function with additional parameters." Subtraction or widening of function parameters by a subtype would be an overload in Kotlin and Java, not an override. This is a bit hand-wavy, but if context parameters were say implemented as open class properties, then they could be contravariant. Is the currently chosen approach to context parameter implementation on the JVM constraining them to be invariant, whereas they would otherwise have better conceptual integrity with inheritance if they were contravariant? If context parameters were to support variance, it would seem overriding
context(r: Raise<Error>)
context(r: Nothing)
as above would be incorrect. That would be a covariant override (viable for return types, but not method arguments or class properties), as
is the subtype of all types. Overriding with
context(r: Any?)
would be a contravariant override, with
being the supertype of all types. You'd be saying that
can be anything that has an
, etc.), or
(i.e. not be in context). I gave this a try, and it sort of worked, with some caveats noted inline:
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import arrow.core.raise.Raise
import arrow.core.raise.either

data class ConverterError(
	val e: Exception,

fun interface ContextConverter<C, in I, out O> {
	fun convert(input: I): O

// A `Converter` is `ContextConverter` with anything in context
fun interface Converter<in I, out O> : ContextConverter<Any?, I, O>

object StringToIntConverter :
	ContextConverter<Raise<ConverterError>, String, Int> {

	override fun convert(input: String): Int =
		try {
		} catch (e: NumberFormatException) {

object IntToStringConverter : Converter<Int, String> {
	override fun convert(input: Int): String = input.toString()

// We can generalize over the `ContextConverter` supertype
fun <C, I, O> withContextConverter(
	input: I,
	converter: ContextConverter<C, I, O>,
): O = converter.convert(input)

fun main() {

	val stringToIntSuccess = either {
		withContextConverter("1", StringToIntConverter)

		"withContextConverter(\"1\", StringToIntConverter): $stringToIntSuccess"

	val stringToIntFailure = either {
		withContextConverter("Nope", StringToIntConverter)

		"withContextConverter(\"Nope\", StringToIntConverter): $stringToIntFailure"

	// "Not enough information to infer type variable Error"...
	val intToStringSuccess = either<ConverterError, String> {
		// The `Converter` subtype is substitutable
		withContextConverter(1, IntToStringConverter)

		"withContextConverter(1, IntToStringConverter): $intToStringSuccess"

	// Direct call to the `Converter` subtype seems to require a `with` for
	// `null` or any object (e.g `Unit`). Otherwise, "No required context 
	// receiver found".
	with(null) {
		val directIntToStringSuccess = IntToStringConverter.convert(1)
		println("direct IntToStringConverter(1): $directIntToStringSuccess")
Given the required
above, this approach doesn't really address my incremental migration use case. All
clients would need to be updated at once when extracting the
I'm probably just catching up to you all here, but thinking on this, I realized my attempt that flips the inheritance relationship to
ContextConverter : Converter
doesn't really make sense. It violates the Liskov Substitution Principle. A
can't be substituted when clients expect a
, as those clients wouldn't provide the needed context.
Is that truly the case? Because if we can erase context, then
is a contextless
which is exactly precise, and respects the Liskov substitution principle, since you also need to respect the generic of course. To take it further,
doesn't need to be its own type
typealias Converter = ContextConverter<Nothing, Input, Output>
so Liskov doesn't even come into play really.
This would seem to be in conflict with, "In the JVM a function with context parameters is represented as a function with additional parameters." Subtraction or widening of function parameters by a subtype would be an overload in Kotlin and Java, not an override.
Well, for this to ever work Kotlin would need to ignore
since a parameter of
won't allow you to ever call this function.
fun impossible(nothing: Nothing)
there is no way to call the
function since you can never provide an instance of
. This is I guess why @Alejandro Serrano.Mena said it won't be added, which I think is a shame because I agree that generically erasing a context is a super power. I guess I'd need to add a official request for that on the KEEP if I'd want something like this to be taken into consideration.
Given the required
above, this approach doesn't really address my incremental migration use case. All
clients would need to be updated at once when extracting the
Yes, the
shouldn't be needed here. That's a shame, because if you put
in a class it works 🙃
Copy code
fun example() = 1

class Test {
    fun main() {
        val x: Test = this
        example() // Any? is satisfied by this: Test 
the reasoning by @simon.vergauwen on the
situation is correct: having such a context means that you cannot call that function, since you can never create a
value (fwiw, this has spawned a discussion with my colleagues about a proper way to "erase contexts". From a theoretical point of view
means a "useless context", since
holds no information, but the fact that we also use it for side-effectful computations in Kotlin makes everything a bit harder)
From a theoretical point of view
means a "useless context", since
holds no information, but the fact that we also use it for side-effectful computations in Kotlin makes everything a bit harder
That makes perfect sense to me, also through my original understanding of
as a set with 1 value and a set with no values. On the other hand,
makes sense that no has to be provided. Introducing a special type like
would probably a bad idea, but I think so is requiring
or using
which also kind-of makes sense in a variance way, but besides that it doesn't make sense to me.
The more I think on this, the more
actually does make sense to me (noting that contravariance is in general not particularly intuitive). Functions with context parameters are in effect "consumers" of them. Even without generic type parameters, subtyping can be done more flexibly when consumed types are contravariant (and produced types are covariant). We give up that flexibility with non-generic method arguments as a tradeoff to enable overloading, but do we need to make that tradeoff for context parameters too? Take this simpler example:
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object Error

open class Gizmo {
	open fun doIt(): String =
		"I can do it, but I might raise an error."

class SubGizmo : Gizmo() {
	// This compiles as a contravariant override with Kotlin 
	// 1.9.23 and `kotlin.experimental.tryK2=false`.
	// With `kotlin.experimental.tryK2=true` it fails stating, 
	// "'doIt' overrides nothing".
	override fun doIt(): String =
		"I can do it without raising an error, " +
			"so the Raise context parameter can be null."

fun main() {

	// The `with(null)` here shouldn't be needed.
	with(null) {
"Erasing" a context parameter can be done by simply overriding it with a nullable supertype, be that e.g.
, or
. Context parameters just need to be able to resolve to null when they're of nullable type and no match is found. Then there'd be no need for the
Context parameters just need to be able to resolve to null when they're of nullable type and no match is found.
Hmm, that seems abit dangerous but nullability in context receivers. Is that allowed @Alejandro Serrano.Mena? Does it make sense? A context being optional might be useful 🤔 but how to deal with mutiple nullable contexts?
context(Raise<Error>?, ResourceScope?)
with(null) { }
cover both?
no, this is not the case, you need to explicitly "inject" null using
with(null) { ... }
context(null) { ... }
. If you do so, that would work for any nullable context, indeed
Unless I've missed something in all of the above (quite possible), it seems there's not a way to address my use case of incremental migration to the Raise DSL with context parameters as they currently stand. I've added a corresponding comment to the KEEP issue: https://github.com/Kotlin/KEEP/issues/367#issuecomment-2033209684. Thank you all for the time you put into investigating this! thank you color