I run into interesting problem on iOS. I have a Sw...
# multiplatform
I run into interesting problem on iOS. I have a SwiftUI view:
struct MyView: View {
@State var path = NavigationPath()
body with NavigationStack....
func openDetail() {
print("path: \(path.count)")
When I call openDetail() from my KMM code, the State var path seems not to be updated. Prints "path: 0" (and therefore the navigation doesn't work). The whole MyView is not getting reinitialized (init is not called) Any ideas?
It works if you call this code from ios? It’s hard to say what might be wrong with the stack not visible in the snippet
Yep, it seems to work. I have a trivial NavigationStack whis is bound to the navigationPath, but I feel the core problem is in the fact @State is not updated - I append the element, and when I read from it on the next line, it is not there.
How do you call this method in KMM?
KMM integrates using Objective-C so I think passing a struct to any KMM code will result in a copy being made
but it depends how you integrate with KMM
Thanks for tips, in the meantime I think I discovered the root cause, which lies in SwiftUI and has nothing to do with KMM. Still don't understand the details fully, but changing the @State to @ObservedObject did the trick for me.