hmm, I think it was related to length of some titl...
# confetti
hmm, I think it was related to length of some titles but might be wrong....or maybe we were hoping to add more info here
I see! Two rows + fixed tab bar takes a bunch of space. Maybe we can move the profile photo to the left, keep search on the left, and move it back to a single row?
Yeah, can definitely try that
We should also probably hide bar when scrolling
Iirc, there was an issue where the view pager and vertical scroll were conflicting and causing gesture problems.
Ah, remember that now
There are patterns for auto sizing text also. To fit within some space shrinking if needed.
👍 1
Yeah, have done that before in other can work up to a point but wouldn't want title too small I think
👍🏻 1
Maybe we can always have a "maximum size" for the title (like an abbreviated name) and if you tap on it, we can open the full name to the user? IMHO, the title there is just for the user to know in what conference they are but the attention should be on the conference list/content, where the user will spend most their time analysing. We should somehow find a pattern that fits better for us, whatever it is.
👍 1
I think this was where we first ran in to space issue
I see. I can think of a few options here on top of my head: 1. We keep as it is today. 2. We only use a second row if the title is larger than X (to be defined). 3. We truncate the String, and if the user tap on it we open a dialog with the full name? 4. We add a “short name” to all (new) conferences, that is used as title if the name is too long (here, it could be “Android Makers” only). Tap still shows the full name.
I was using
but this is actually suggesting I should be using
I would personally use that with a collapsible behaviour and maybe for a details screen. For a main screen, where the goal is to read the main content, that is way too much space for the title IMHO.