how usable is kotlinjs these days? I need to integ...
# javascript
how usable is kotlinjs these days? I need to integrate it with typescript to a degree and not produce an incredibly fat bundle
You can have an idea by looking at individual module sizes for my moderately big project.
that's actually not bad
where's your bundle?
If you decide to use the
granularity you might get better DCE. The project targets Node.js, so I'm not concerned around size, but currently it tops at 1.5 megabytes.
Remember there is no Webpack step when targeting Node.js. You'd probably get smaller bundles when targeting the browser.
right plus gzip helps a ton
✔️ 1
If you want better interop I suggest to open a YT issue about copying over KDoc to JSDoc. I couldn't find any. But I know devs are aware of the missing functionality.
I have one in my todo list. But for now it has not a high priority. However, I will work on it this year.
gratitude thank you 1
Personally not a big deal as I'm trying to move everything to Kotlin. But when my colleagues work on the TS side without knowledge of how the Kotlin side has been implemented, they often complain about the time it takes to navigate to the Kotlin declaration to read the KDoc.
(just wanted to add some context on the why)