Hello, I'm trying to develop SPA SSR with Ktor by ...
# ktor
Hello, I'm trying to develop SPA SSR with Ktor by using existing features of
, but with a server generated
. I've created this configuration:
Copy code
routing {
        get("/index.html") {
                "<html><head><title>Custom index.html</title></head><body></body></html>",
        singlePageApplication {
            defaultPage = "index.html"
            filesPath = "/assets"
            useResources = true
but unfortunately it doesn't work (not existing urls are redirected to
file instead of my
endpoint). Can I somehow do this with a simple configuration or do I have to implement the whole thing from scratch?
I don't see an easy way to do it. Can you describe the logic of the
route's handler in your application?
I would need access to the requested URL. Then call an external API and return some html code.
I suggest filing a feature request to support your use case.
After some experiments and digging in Ktor sources I've come up with this:
Copy code
routing {
    get("/index.html") {
        call.respondText("Hello, world!", ContentType.Text.Plain)
    singlePageApplication {
        defaultPage = "NOT_EXISTING_RESOURCE"
        filesPath = "/assets"
        useResources = true
    route("/") {
        route("{static-content-path-parameter...}") { // !!! Important name copied from Ktor sources
            get {
                call.respondText("Hello, world!", ContentType.Text.Plain)
It seems to do exactly what I want.
👍 1