I can't figure out how Kotlin's multiplatform for ...
# getting-started
I can't figure out how Kotlin's multiplatform for JS wants me to invoke
. the documentation is either hard to find or nonexistant
Is this function listed in JS at all? Could you please link to the W3C docs or other that mentions that
should exist? All I see is the load event and thus the
event listener that you can assign:
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import kotlinx.browser.*

fun main() {
    window.onload = { event -> 
        println("Received event $event")
no I meant onload
but I also could not find anything usefu on the docs for onload
i was getting
Type mismatch: inferred type is () -> Unit but Event was expected
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window.onload?.invoke() { event ->
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e: Type mismatch: inferred type is ([Error type: Cannot infer a lambda parameter type]) -> Unit but Event was expected
e: Cannot infer a type for this parameter. Please specify it explicitly.
annotating it as
event: Event ->
just gives me
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Unresolved reference: Event
you can always do
event: dynamic
that got rid of one of the errors
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import kotlinx.browser.*
import org.w3c.dom.*

fun main() {
    val kotlin = "🙂"
    window.addEventListener("load") { event: dynamic ->
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None of the following functions can be called with the arguments supplied: public final fun addEventListener(type: String, callback: ((Event) -> Unit)?, options: dynamic = ...): Unit defined in org.w3c.dom.Window public final fun addEventListener(type: String, callback: EventListener?, options: dynamic = ...): Unit defined in org.w3c.dom.Window
oh typo, the lambda should be a second arugment