Is there a way to make contributions to the Expose...
# exposed
Is there a way to make contributions to the Exposed wiki? The mirror linked on this page seems to be out of sync with the current wiki:
Hi @Tyler Kinkade Thanks for bringing the issue with the repo mirror to our attention. While we sort that out, if you're still interested in contributing to documentation, please consider opening a PR with your changes made to the files in the Exposed/documentation-website folder. The structure and format in those files might differ in slight ways, but it still holds all Wiki sections and will eventually become the ssot. We can then make changes ourselves to the GH Wiki to reflect your suggestions. We're always happy to get any contributions, so thanks in advance!
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Thanks @Chantal Loncle! The issue I was going to fix is already fixed in the markdown files you linked. Is there a website where those more up-to-date docs are displayed (other than GitHub)?
Ok great. The official Exposed website is currently still under construction, so only the source docs are publicly available, and even they are undergoing revision. There will definitely be an announcement when the website goes live.
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