If I want to define a local function inside my com...
# compose
If I want to define a local function inside my composable, my first intuition tells me to store it in a val and remember it. But I wonder what is the practical difference between the two? And if I am using parameters that come into the composable, is there a way to shoot myself in the foot by accidentally having it reference an old value of those parameters?
Copy code
fun Foo(someParameter: String) {
  // Option #1
  val myFunction: () -> Unit = remember(someParameter) {
  // Option #2
  fun myFunction {

  // Usage of #1
  OtherComposable(callback = myFunction)
  // Usage of #2
  OtherComposable(callback = ::myFunction)
fun OtherComposable(callBack: () -> Unit) { ... }
Not sure about local function, but option #1 is the same as the lambda only (without remember), as Compose will automatically memoize the lambda instance. See the “Lambda memoization” section of this post.
thank you color 1
Aha right, even if the composable recomposed because I have 10 parameters for example, and I don't want the lambda to be "recreated" when the other ones change but only if the parameter I use is, I still don't need to remember it myself, I get it for free. Provided the parameter is stable of course, until I enable strong skipping.