Hello, anybody know a good library to do object ma...
# multiplatform
Hello, anybody know a good library to do object mapping and supporting all platforms ?
If by "object mapping" you mean ORM capabilities, Room is currently being ported to KMP, other than that, JetBrains currently recommends using SQLDelight, it has very basic ORM features, but relies heavily on pure SQL
Nop, i mean like mapstruct or shapeshift but compatible kotlin multiplatform. I'm working on a WebGPU binding and there is a lot of objects to map/adapt to fit on all the platform.
having just written a bunch of boilerplate to do exacly this, I’d love to know if there’s something nice out there too. Shapeshift looks great, but would be even better if it supported MPP
(not WebGPU, but another isoteric hardware lib)