Having a screen A in which you select a category, ...
# compose
Having a screen A in which you select a category, how can I pass the category variable to the next screen B? I'm using navigation and viewmodel, so I suposse I should pass the argument using navigation arguments, and then, what should I do with the parameter? should it be passed to the B screen viewmodel in the viewmodel constructor as a parameter? or Which is the correct way to do this?
Or maybe the correct approach is to have a general application state where to store things that must be shared between screens, for example, the current selected category?
so it is the correct approach?
and what to do with argument once received?
the second part of my question
ViewModels automatically receive all arguments via their
, you don't have to pass them to the ViewModel at all
Just note that if your category type is more complex than a string, than you won't be able to pass it in it's entirety; you'd instead want to pass something like a category ID or something, then get that category ID from the aforementioned
in Screen B's view model where you'd also get the category based on that ID.
so, what do you mean?
which is the correct approach then?
maybe can you give a small sample with code for your proposal?