Hi, what does that means? > > Task :app:wear...
# compose-wear
Hi, what does that means?
> Task appwear:minifyReleaseWithR8 FAILED
ERROR: R8: java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "com.android.tools.r8.graph.D0.C1()" because the return value of "com.android.tools.r8.graph.x.d(com.android.tools.r8.graph.H2)" is null
I am having it when doing release build with
at 8.4.0-alpha13, but it isn't happening with my mobile companion app. I have tried to Google it but I haven't found much relevant stuff
File a bug against R8, but I guess they will want a repro or some logs.
There are links for filing bugs https://r8.googlesource.com/r8/#getting-help
Looking at recent issues, there have been issues with JVM target, or the JDK used for building (20 vs 17) and also issues fixed in latest desugar libs.
like specific to wear? I have tried with the 8.3.0, it is working fine
No. But I just meant it could be some incidental wear thing. Like it has a different dep that triggers a bug.
well the only dependencies I have on wear are:
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coreLibraryDesugaring "com.android.tools:desugar_jdk_libs:$core_lib_desugaring"

    api "androidx.wear.compose:compose-material:$wear_compose_version"
    api "androidx.wear.compose:compose-foundation:$wear_compose_version"

    implementation "org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-serialization-json:$kotlin_serialization"

    implementation "androidx.wear:wear-ongoing:1.0.0"

    ksp "me.tatarka.inject:kotlin-inject-compiler-ksp:$kotlin_inject_version"
Then it is probably a bug on the wear-ongoing dep?
nan I have removed it, same issue
so I only see compose then
I can't help you. I don't know why it's happening. You'll need to file an R8 bug.
ok I will leave it like that for now, if someone has the same issue, they can find this conversation
solved I had
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sealed class Example {
   sealed class Test : Example() {
      data object Loading : Test()
The sealed class aren't supported apparently, if you swap them to sealed interface it works well
👍🏻 1