Has anyone successfully gotten a `ColorDodge` effe...
# compose
Has anyone successfully gotten a
effect to work without strange artifacts. I get this flash of Gray on the shape before the blend mode is applied. There is the code that I am using
Copy code
fun Modifier.dodge(
    cornerRadius: Dp = 16.dp,
    shapeColor: DodgeColor = DodgeColor.GRAY1,
): Modifier {
    return composed {
            .drawWithContent {
                    cornerRadius = CornerRadius(cornerRadius.toPx()),
                    color = Color(parseColor(shapeColor.color)),
                    blendMode = BlendMode.ColorDodge,
And an example of what the issue is
Fwiw, I'm using compose for iOS and there is no issue on that platform...
Does the flash of color change if you change the shapecolor default/value?
It does not. It's the same color as it I was to use the blend mode clear
actually i was mistaken, it flashes the color in which im using to draw the shape with
so it has to due with animations iv figured out, if i remove the animation between screens the issue goes away... but the app doesn't look good without animations..