hey all, wondering if anyone has had any trouble s...
# compose-ios
hey all, wondering if anyone has had any trouble submitting to the app store? my app runs fine in xcode but when I submit it for testflight they send a test report back that basically says it crashes on launch and has "missingresourceexception#<init>(kotlin.string){}" in the crash report, but the report doesnt actually tell me which resource is missing... Getting a bit stuck as I'm not that familiar with xcode other than as a way to push apps written in compose. 😛
so why does it work when I run from source? but when apple test it they get this issue?
check which resources you have in your sub module. they probably trigger a code path that needs one of those resources. The crash will only happen when you access such a resource
I had some human readable strings for error messages in my project’s sub module. So the app would ony crash if it had to report an error.
i.e. no internet
ok i'll check with that kinda stuff, thank you. I'll report back with results 😄
👍 1
i think it's only happened after I added translations. does the kotlin.string part of the error mean it's going to be one of them? Like I said I have tested all the languages on my physical device and it works fine.
not sure either.
do you have strings in a sub module? If so, can you go to a screen on your local device, where one of those strings from the submodule should show?
I'm using moko for my resources and they get put in build/generated/moko/{platform}
if I set the device to any of the supported langauges they show correctly. but the crashlog doesnt seem to tell me what language the device was in. or if it does I can't find that info...
@FaN I have resolved this using a composition local approach, check it out here: https://euryperez.dev/compose-multiplatform-login-with-google-cc3217a99349
(The resources to reside in the shared module)
did you find it worked on a local device but been rejected when submitting?
i also am not a medium member so can't see your whole article
No, haven't tried that, but it wasn't working for me even in the emulator, so I guess this did the trick. You can read it with this link: https://euryperez.dev/compose-multiplatform-login-with-google-cc3217a99349?sk=2ad5a3be02e123ce169d4c0db5c64486
I'll take a look, generally though my resources work fine when I run it locally.
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