<@UHAJKUSTU> Is there any simple solution for logg...
# decompose
@Arkadii Ivanov Is there any simple solution for logging navigation changes in the component tree? Since we don’t have any centralised
which could make this logging, I am looking in direction of making a copy of
but I really don’t like this solution much. Also it doesn’t cover slot navigation and has a lot of other cons.
Currently, I don't see any solution that could be applied globally. You can create a logging wrapper for childFactory, but that needs to be applied in every place.
Or wrap StackNavigation, but same cons here.
It would be cool to have the flexibility of current implementation plus features of centralised event-based things like MVI in one place.
Indeed the navigation part of the component being in fact stateful can be implemented in theory as a MVI-like state machine with all it’s features like middleware and logging
Thanks for the feedback!
It would be possible if the
extension function would be part of the ComponentContext interface. In this case one could create a custom component context and wrap the children call. I will think about it, but currently this looks overcomplicated.
Maybe it’s possible to add a parameter to
method which will allow to pass a lambda for logging stack changes?
but this still is not a global setting
Maybe it’s possible to add a parameter to childStack method which will allow to pass a lambda for logging stack changes?
This is essentially equivalent to creating a custom wrapper for StackNavigation. This could be as simple as
Copy code
val nav = LoggingStackNavigation<Config>()
by “wrapper” do you mean creating another variant of
Copy code
val nav = StackNavigation<Config>()
val stack = childStack(source = nav.logged(), ...)
Yeah, create a custom implementation that delegates to the standard StackNavigation.
yeah, I was originally thinking in that direction. This may help if replace navigation with the wrapper everywhere. thanks!
👍 1
This is what I came up with.
Copy code
class LoggingStackNavigation<C : Any>(
    private val delegate: StackNavigation<C> = StackNavigation(),
) : StackNavigation<C>, StackNavigationSource<C> by delegate {
    override fun navigate(
        transformer: (stack: List<C>) -> List<C>,
        onComplete: (newStack: List<C>, oldStack: List<C>) -> Unit,
    ) {
        delegate.navigate(transformer) { newStack, oldStack ->
            println("Stack changed to $newStack. Old stack: $oldStack.")
            onComplete(newStack, oldStack)
👍 2
thank you color 1