Hi everyone, I’m using Bundle to pass args between...
# android
Hi everyone, I’m using Bundle to pass args between different screens, when I check isEmpty I get returned false as it looks like Android adds a key Bundle[{android-support-navcontrollerdeepLinkIntent=Intent { dat=android-app://androidx.navigation/... }}]
not kotlin but kotlin colored 1
Don’t split your question in multiple posts, please. It’s hard to answer that way.
Also, this is a workspace for the Kotlin programming language. Your general Android question should be ask somewhere else. You can find resources in the channel description.
Hi Chrisitian, apologies for the formatting, multiple posts
Doesn’t the Bundle and how it is used to pass args around fit into this Android thread?
No, it’s not in any way related to Kotlin. It a plain Android question.
thanks, I’ll ask the question in an android specific workspace