Is anyone aware of a code generation tool that can...
# getting-started
Is anyone aware of a code generation tool that can generate a top level function with named and defaulted arguments for a given example of the builder pattern?
I'm imagining a tool that could take this Java class:
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public class Thing {
    private final boolean turnedOn;
    private final String name;

    public Thing(boolean aBoolean, String aString) {
        this.turnedOn = aBoolean; = aString;

    public boolean isTurnedOn() {
        return turnedOn;

    public String getName() {
        return name;

    public static class Builder {

        private boolean turnedOn;
        private String name;

        public void setTurnedOn(boolean turnedOn) {
            this.turnedOn = turnedOn;

        public void setName(String name) {
   = name;

        public Thing build() {
            return new Thing(turnedOn, name);
and generate this Kotlin top level function:
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fun thing(
  name: String? = null,
  turnedOn: Boolean = false,
): Thing = Thing.Builder()
With no annotations on the Java class, its builder and its fields / methods?
Yup - obviously would be somewhat limited by its ability to recognise conventions
That’s not really generation. More like a supercharged code transpiler that can recognize patterns in one language and convert them to idiomatic code in another language.
It is generation. I'm not talking about converting it. The original java code is still being called.