Does anyone know of a Node-graph rendering library...
# compose
Does anyone know of a Node-graph rendering library for Compose UI? I have a growing number of use cases for one... and I feel like every good UI toolkit should have one... or three. Wishes: • Either static layout or Force-directed layout (with drag & drop placement a bonus) • Ability for interactive linking/unlinking of nodes at arbitrary anchor points on a node Would be fun to write, but was hoping to avoid yet-another-side-quest...
Yes 😊 exactly that. least for one use case. It would also be nice just to have a simpler graph renderer capable of GraphViz/Mermaid/PUML style graphs.
Very nice work by the way ❤️, I understand if you can't share it of course. Still, it would be nice for the community to have a library that enables similar UI/UX, at some point.
@Kaanixir ☝️
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