Is it somehow possible to override the provided `W...
# compose
Is it somehow possible to override the provided
for a platform? Id like to mimic the system UI of Android on Desktop for some of my screenshots.
I’d say try to provide a fake inset number for the
which the inset modifiers seem to be using, but it looks like that’s internal in the foundation.layout library. But maybe I am missing something and you can create something that is a
and provide your own insets in there without having to access the internal value itself. Maybe can get some inspiration from here[…]PaddingModifier&amp;ss=androidx%2Fplatform%2Fframeworks%2Fsupport and provide just a hardcoded WindowInsets value? 👀 I have no idea how modifier locals work and how similar they are to composition locals, but I assume they work the same way, propagating down the tree of your composables
Ahh, thank you! I wouldnt have thought of that myself. Will try it out later today and share the results 😃
Do tell if it works (or doesn’t), I am curious 👀 😅
The TL;DR; is that I dont think I can make that work because the key for it is marked
. BUT, I dont think I fully understand how it all mangles together (sorry, I dont have time to look deeper into it right now 😅). I can for example use
which under the hood uses said key to provide some insets, but I think my scaffold eats that up since its just generic insets, and as such not excluded in the scaffold logic? Whereas I would need to specifically use
in order for it to pass through to my NavigationBar, etc. Dunno if that makes sense, fwiw the desktop logic:
actual val WindowInsets.Companion.navigationBars: WindowInsets get() = ZeroInsets
is what Im trying to override, so that my NavigationBar actually has that extra padding, instead of it being added to my entire layout (=system navigation bar doesnt have same color as in app NavigationBar).
It was worth a try 😅
Oh well 😄 I wonder if I can make it work with reflection? This is just used in tests, so performance isnt that big of a deal 🙂