Crossposting for a related question, how hard do y...
# compose-desktop
Crossposting for a related question, how hard do you guys think this will be to backport? I bet it will be awhile before we see 1.7, and based on the description of the change it looks like it's using some new internal android graphics APIs.
We won’t backport it, it will be part of Compose 1.7 (which is already at alpha04)
I'm sorry, to clarify I meant backport to work with the current version of compose multiplatform. I imagine it will be awhile until we see multiplaform catch up to 1.7 alpha 6 - they're currently doing devs for 1.6.1, so I've been looking into how it works to see if I could backport it myself in the interim. It's been a feature I've been tracking for awhile so I'm happy to see it added now
Ah yeah sorry, I didn’t see I was replying in #compose-desktop 😄
Anyway, I would strongly argue against backporting this since it’s a different API
No worries. Yeah I would've just made a whole drop-in LazyColumn w/ the new changes to prevent confusion, however it seems like it relies on a lot of new android APIs that I doubt exist in MP yet, so I don't think its possible at the moment
Yeah, we’re not likely to backport this.
I haven’t looked - what Android APIs does it depend on? Seems like it could be a Compose-only thing.
Yeah I'm not asking anyone to backport, I was just soliciting advice on if it's even possible and I'd go do the work myself so I can play with the new shiny thing in the interim. The more I read through the change the less I think it's possible until MP hits 1.7 though.
> I haven’t looked - what Android APIs does it depend on? Seems like it could be a Compose-only thing. It likely is compose only - I just meant that it sounds like it's using a new graphics API thats only in compose 1.7 on android right now. I'm sure once MP gets to 1.7 they'll pick up the same new APIs. Referring to this: > We add support for the disappearance animation for lazy list items. The appearance animation was added as an internal api as part of aosp/2644850. We are using the new graphics layer implementation we recently added as part of aosp/2969199 and...
Once I finish what I'm working on I'm going to go try to find the commit with the code and see what exactly it's doing. This is just purely me being impatient and wanting to play with the new shiny feature, so I'd take the work on myself of trying to make it work early.
Yes, it requires the new