When using Compose Multiplatform version 1.6.0 my ...
# compose-ios
When using Compose Multiplatform version 1.6.0 my project compiles fine using the new resource APIs, but when upgrading to 1.6.1 I get this error:
Copy code
> Task :my-module:compileKotlinIosSimulatorArm64 FAILED
e: Failed to resolve Kotlin library: /Users/rwo/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/org.jetbrains.compose.components/components-resources-iosSimulatorArm64/1.6.1/4c88f6112e14f52d558f6cdb7c647e9d750d83b5/library.klib
e: Compilation failed: List is empty.

 * Source files: Res.kt, ComposeRenderer.kt, ComposeRendererFactory.kt
 * Compiler version: 1.9.23
 * Output kind: LIBRARY
This seems to happen only with this target and is likely a regression in the library. Is this a known issue?
I see you closed the issue now, but a rule of thumb I've learned the hard way any time gradle is handling a large number of libraries - always assume it's gradle's fault first haha.
Well, could also be a caching issue in KGP