Probably need a "Compose getting started" topic. I...
# compose
Probably need a "Compose getting started" topic. I keep getting "Could not find androidx.compose.compilercompilerprovider(?)." in "project shared", the shared module of my multiplatform project. Doesn't seem like there should be an androidx reference in the shared module, but that seems to be right (?) The only reference to this I can find is that it's to do with version mismatching, but damned if I can find what's causing it. Details in 🧵
In shared build.gradle.kts I've got the kotlin compose plugin at 1.5.11, Kotlin 1.9.21
kotlin {
sourceSets {
val commonMain by getting {
dependencies {
These are old(er) versions largely because of Moko Resources. AGP 8.3 with Gradle plugin 8.4 and using the compose BOM